IKU | Pueblo Arhuaco

Hand Woven by Women in
The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta |
The Heart Of The World

Woven Threads of Universal Law

Woven by the women of the IKU people. The Tu Tu (mochila) is a symbol of a world. The designs and symbols represent the path and spirituality of life. Weaving is for constructing ideas, it is not something you just give up one day, it is a part of your life forever.

Pueblo Arhuaco

One of the 4 indigenous tribes residing in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Mountains, in the country currently known as Colombia. An ancient culture holding the wisdom and codes to the laws of the universe.


To share the ancestral wisdom of the guardians of The Heart of The World through their ancient arts that have carried the messages of nature for millenium

Materials & Making Process

Support the IKU people and The protection of their territory by purchasing a TU TU

When purchasing a mochila, you are contributing to support
- the women and children of the IKU people.
- Preserving the ancient codes that lie within the practice and symbols
- Preserving the culture and sovereignty
- Helping protect the natural lands in which they live

Thank you for your support in helping to preserve and regenerate the Heart Of The World

For more information about the collaboartion between Sun Nation and the Arhuaco People, please visit -

Ancestral Cotton

Traditionally, cotton is profoundly used throughout the cultures of the original peoples of The Heart Of The World. It is a symbol of their deep sovereignty and pure connection to the land in which they live. Cotton has been a sacred tool in which they utilize for ceremonies, weaving tu tu's, making their own clothes, and much more.Due to many factors of the changing times, as well as the introduction to sheep when the conquistadors arrived to the Sierra, cotton has become a scarce commodity.The Arhuacos are working very diligently to bring back their traditional culture for cultivating cotton and strengthening their capacity for working with this plant.